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Camp Tails

A donkey sanctuary and animal rescue
People Saving Donkeys
Donkeys Saving People

Every Tail Has a Tale to Tell

Camp Tails is a not-for-profit, tax exempt entity dedicated to the nurturing and loving care of animals. Our founders are a collection of everyday people who are united by their love of animals and committed to the transformative power of the animal-human connection. Our sanctuary is located at The Camp at Carmel Valley, which shares our mission for the wellbeing of humans and animals alike.  Our initial focus will be the rescue, rehabilitation and loving care of donkeys – not only because they are kind, loving, gentle creatures but also because they are some of the most abused animals on Earth.  At Camp Tails we strive to add to the collective of other donkey rescues that seek to provide a better life for our long-eared friends – one that enhances both the lives of the donkeys and the humans who interact with them.  We invite you to be part of the journey. 

human and donkey in friendly embrace
moon and stars

Help Build The Dream

Imagine a magical place where we celebrate the animal-human connection, a sanctuary for donkeys and people alike.  With your support, we will prepare the sanctuary, give donkeys in need a safe and loving home, and provide restorative and joyful experiences that build the connection between people and animals.

Phase 1

We're Expecting (Donkeys, that is)

The Sanctuary is located at The Camp at Carmel Valley.

The Camp at Carmel Valley was a summer camp for kids for nearly 50 years.  Because of its origins, The Camp has an excellent infrastructure for creating a beautiful home for donkeys.  These currently unused facilities include existing stables, a corral, a hay barn, and pastures.  We plan to initially adopt 6 donkeys who have been rescued from kill shelters, with a mission of expanding our donkey population as our knowledge and capacity grow.

Additional preparation is necessary to ensure that our donkey family is cared for 24/7 and can live their best lives, including:


  • Purchase of essential start-up equipment for donkey care and property maintenance.

  • Stable improvements, additional fencing, clean-up of corral and pastures.

  • Purchase of supplies prior to arrival of donkeys.

Budget:  $82,650

sweet donkey

Phase 2

They're Here

 The first group of donkeys will arrive to Camp Tails in early 2025.  We have intentionally chosen the winter months as it will be a quieter and more peaceful time for them to get settled into their new surroundings and form bonds with their new caretakers.  Our initial goal is to ensure the health of all donkeys by providing them with proper diets, exercise, grooming, hoof care, dental care, and overall healthcare.

This care includes the following:

  • Donkey Rescue Fees 

  • Caretakers salaries and benefits

  • Facility Costs

  • Feed and Supplements

  • Veterinary Services

  • Farrier Services

  • Supplies (medical and non-medical)

  • Equipment and facilities upkeep

  • Insurance

  • Administrative expenses

Budget:  $147,390

kind donkey

Phase 3

Donkeys and Humans Together

Our third phase of Camp Tails is bringing donkeys and humans together to explore the healing power that each can receive from the other.  It is our ambition to foster a greater understanding of these amazing creatures and create a joyful place for people and animals.  The possibilities are endless but include:

  • Community events.

  • Volunteer opportunities.

  • Therapeutic Activities to promote mindfulness and stress reduction.

  • Donkey Assisted Therapy for individuals with disabilities

  • Educational Workshops.

donkey and children's birthday celebration
Camp Tails logo includes bunny, donkey and pig on a log gazing into the night sky

Carmel Valley, CA 93924, USA

Camp Tails is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  Donations to Camp Tails are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.  Camp Tails tax ID is 92-3919409

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